You’ve reached my personal space on the web. Since I was in elementary school when AOL and dial up were the preferred ways to go online, I’ve been tinkering with computers. Early on I made dynamic websites using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) before it was known as the LAMP stack. In university I majored in computer engineering from USC and was lured by the glamours of IT consulting. After over 5 years as a travelling consultant working for large government and high-tech companies, I moved onto Silicon Valley startups in the predictive analytics and real-world evidence (health care) spaces. After some time I became a director and managed a small team of individual contributors in technical roles. Seeing how much fun the people underneath me had, I am now working as a senior software engineer at TRM Labs. I also completed my master’s degree in computer science from Georgia Tech in summer 2020.
Outside work I have many interests. For a while I was big into Ironman triathlon. I raced three Ironman races and countless 70.3 and smaller distance events. I also qualified for the Boston Marathon two times and finally raced Boston in April 2022.
Besides running, I enjoy landscape photography. Home is North Carolina, and there are plentiful opportunities from mountains to farms to ocean scapes. You can see my photography on this site.
Thanks for stumbling onto my corner of the web.